Thursday, December 23, 2010

Klosterman's Theory: Did Radiohead's Kid A Predict 9/11?

Picture is (C) copyright to Parlophone, Capitol

The passage below is the perfect example of what sleep deprivation does to the mind. This actually dates back to a couple of months ago, but the topic came up recently when I was having dinner with some friends of mine, so I thought I'd dust it off and put it up here (for people to scoff at).

So, I know it has only just hit bookstore shelves (I found a review copy of it at work --- on the discard pile -- and read it), but in Chuck Klosterman's new book, "Killing Yourself to Live", he goes into great detail about how he feels that the sequence of Radiohead's Kid A (originally released on October 3, 2000) is eerily prescient with regards to the events of September 11, 2001. He's not suggesting that Thom Yorke is some sort've Nostrodamus, but this seemingly crackpot theory definetely made me want to listen to the album again.

From Chuck's text....any spelling mistakes are my own.....
[Click here to read full article]

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