Thursday, December 16, 2010

Two creepy videos on Youtube

An extremely strange video has made its way onto Youtube from a witness who says he spotted something extremely strange just at the edge of his yard in Bilambil Heights, Australia. And though it hasn't seen much coverage, it is one of the most compelling "Third Kind" encounters we have ever seen. The creature in the footage, though it is distant and at times blurry, exhibits some characteristics that sets this encounter apart from the typical "alien footage" we would normally expect from the popular video sharing site.

Another interesting find from video sharing site Youtube comes in the form of a mysterious encounter two youths had while following up on a series of strange sounds and a brief encounter with a strange large headed entity they saw in their corn field. As the witnesses stepped out into the field to see if they could find anything worth filming, they discovered something indeed was hanging around near them. Just what it is, however, is anyone's guess.

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