Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chinese National TV Reports President Obama to Disclose Extraterrestrial Contact!

Chinese National Television Xinhua news is now reporting an impending extraterrestrial disclosure by the Obama administration.

The unprecedented national China TV news bulletin that U.S. President Barack Obama may be preparing to disclose U.S. relations with specific extraterrestrial races was broadcast on the official channel Xinhua on January 4, 2011 on the eve of China President Hu Jintao's state visit to the United States.

President Hu is presently visiting a Chinese language facility in Chicago, IL as of this writing on January 21, 2011.

View China National TV reporting impending ET disclosure by Obama administration

Examiner.com readers can view the China TV news broadcast above in this article on by clicking in the URL below:


ET Disclosure Race?

The Xinhua China TV broadcast on the official news channel stating that President Barack Obama may be preparing an official U.S. disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence by one perspective may be fueled by an “Extraterrestrial disclosure race” now developing between China, the U.S., and other major space powers as to which nation will be the first nation will use the authority of its Head of State and secret ET files to authoritatively declare there is an extraterrestrial presence on Earth.

The first nation to authoritatively announce the Extraterrestrial presence stands to gain world prestige and trust in the eyes of the increasingly extraterrestrially-sophisticated more than 6.89 billion persons populating the Earth at this time.

One journalist, Michael Cohen, notes that “Prime time TV news broadcasts announcing the upcoming US UFO admission…. have been beamed to the living rooms of hundreds of millions of intrigued Chinese citizens.

“Commentators and analysts now believe a new cold war over alien and UFO secrets is underway between the two superpowers.

“The historic decision [by Xinhua by Chinese national Television agency] to broadcast this news is seen as stemming from fears that the US might steal China's glory and admit an alien presence on Earth before Beijing does.

“In fact, neither side particularly wants to admit to the public that they are in contact with aliens, however at the same time, they do not want the other side to do so first. In other words, if there is UFO admission both nations want it to be their moment of glory.

“The recent news broadcasts are probably a way for progressive elements within the Communist party to nudge the notoriously cautious President Hu Jintao by bringing to his attention the possibility that America might steal his moment and come clean.

“In an era where both superpowers possess enormous nuclear arsenals it is essential that the race to UFO disclosure does not heat up into fully blown conflict, or else alien observers themselves might be forced to intervene.”

[Click here to read full article]

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