Monday, January 3, 2011

Family holds ‘ghost’ marriage for deceased girl

AN afterworld marriage was conducted for a four-year-old girl who died 52 years ago, reported China Press and Sin Chew Daily.

China Press reported yesterday that the girl was identified as Chen Ya Xi while the groom was a 60-year-old ghost by the name of Zhang Ting Ping.

Chen Yue Chun, 54, the bride’s sister, said that Ya Xi came to her in a dream and stated her intention to get married.

The family then sought the help of a medium who picked the wedding date. After the wedding, a dinner was held for the newlyweds’ “friends” from the afterworld.

> The daily also reported that police posing as customers had been able to bust three vice syndicates offering foreign women via the Internet.

Some 18 women from China, Thailand and Vietnam were picked up in the past week. Also arrested were three people employed by the syndicates.

> Sin Chew Daily reported that a housewife had gone to the press to expose her lecturer husband’s sexual escapades with his students.

She did so in the hope that the school would take disciplinary action against him. The daily reported that the lecturer came clean one day when he brought a student home and introduced the girl to his wife.

Other News & Views is compiled from the vernacular newspapers (Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil dailies). As such, stories are grouped according to the respective language/medium. Where a paragraph begins with the sign >, it denotes a separate news item.


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