Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Found alive: Two Flying Dinosaur Species in Papua New Guinea

Bat-like wings, a beak full of razor sharp teeth, tearing claws, a long tail with a flanged end, is this night-flying reptile a figment of the imagination? Or does it provide living proof that dinosaurs still exist today in far-flung and obscure little corners of the world. Researchers have unearthed the pterosaur, 2010.

The Ropen (Demon-flyer) has terrified the people of Papua New Guinea for thousands of years, a monster of the skies that swoops down on its unsuspecting prey, often at night, and carries them off to its lair.

The world is full of tales of mythical beasts (the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, the Yhetti) and expeditions costing millions of dollars have been carried out, often with the same result: little or no evidence, so the myth lives on.
[Click here to read full article]

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