Saturday, February 5, 2011

2011 Chinese Year of Rabbit Predictions Forecasts

Forecast Horoscope Year of the Rabbit

Those born under the sign of the Rabbit will have a good year this year, and, in addition, the lucky sign of the rabbit will bring luck to everybody else as well. Thus speaks the Chinese Zodiac Horoscope. Chinese predictions or forecasts foretell that those born in the year of the Rabbit will truly have a wonderful year in love, in art, in all else.

So, t's that time of the year when Chinese Predictions or forecasts are important and fun to look at. According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2011 is the Chinese year of the rabbit. It has the same characteristics as those born in the year of the rabbit. Those years include 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 19515, 1963, 1975, 1987 and 1999. The Chinese Zodiac year always begins on the new moon of the new year and ends on the full moon. The Chinese year, like the Jewish year, is a lunar calendar, and so always starts on a different date. In 2011, it starts on 3rd February and end o the 22nd January, 2012.

It is the inner character and nature of the rabbit astrology sign that will reflect the year, 2011. According to the Chinese Zodiac, Rabbits, are refined, gracious, quiet, good manners, intellectual, homebodies who enjoy their privacy. Specifically, though, 2011 is the year of the metal rabbit, reflecting those rabbits born in 1951. Rabbits generally hate confrontation, although the metal rabbit is a bit more assertive than other rabbits. Rabbits are also very lucky.

Many countries, heavily in debt, will continue to be heavily in debt, not wanting to resolve the issues as the issues are too intense. Rabbits are pacifists and countries will lean towards inaction rather than action. This will lead, in the longer run, to things being more difficult in 2012. Corporate business will continue to look after its own interests in the same way that the rabbit will be concerned look after its own creature comforts.

As the rabbit protects its home from other elements, so countries will begin to withdraw from the global community and be more concerned with what is happening in their own backyards. With this in mind, there’s going to be a lot more talk about different standards in currencies and increased barriers to trade.

The home is extremely important to the rabbit and so more attention will be paid to the mortgage market, although it is not certain how this will play out. It will be an important issue, though.

As the rabbit has a deep and abiding love of art, so 2011 will bring increased interests in the arts. As the rabbit hates war, so there’s be increasing resistance to current wars being fought.

Those that are born in the year of the rabbit will find that it will be an exceptionally lucky for them, although those born in 1951 might find it just a mite tougher. So, it is probably wise if they are doubly diligent in their efforts. Artistic ventures are likely to be successful.
[Click here to read full article]

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