Monday, February 14, 2011

Have a Paranormal Valentine's Day

Who says the paranormal can’t be romantic? If you and your significant other are both obsessed with the paranormal, there are lots of ways you can share your passion for the unexplained – and each other. Consider trying any or several of the suggestions for enjoying February 14 with your partner.

Go to a haunted hotel or bed and breakfast

What could be cozier than cowering in terror together under the covers at a haunted hotel or bed and breakfast, where long-dead janitors and headless chambermaids play with the lights and pick through your luggage? You might not get much sleep, but hey, it's Valentine's Day and you wouldn't be getting much sleep anyway.

Go on a ghost hunt – just the two of you

You might have gone on ghost hunts with groups, but this is a day when just the two of you can venture out in search of spooks. Take your voice recorders, K2 meters, holy water, sage (and whatever other protection you might need) and head out to that abandoned asylum, warehouse or cemetery to see if you can raise some spirits. Even if you can't communicate with a ghost, you'll at least have a chance to get to know each other better.

[Click here to read full article]

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