Thursday, February 24, 2011

Proof the Jerusalem UFO was real plus first witness reports

by Michael Cohen

It is now over a week since I broke the story of the astonishing UFO event that occurred in Jerusalem, Israel and spoke with key witness Eligael Gedalyovich. Since then a few spurious attempts have been made to debunk the UFO event. The findings of these attempts have sadly been picked up by the media and a few “scientific” journalists, terrified of the idea that humans might not be supreme in the universe, and reported as fact.

If that wasn't bad enough, A very fake 3rd "UFO" video (The one that makes reference to Mississippi) was sadly inserted into the event to discredit the whole affair and predictably this became the video the media chose to associate with the event. No surprise there.

The YouTube clip below is of an interview I did with Iain Lee of Absolute Radio in the UK, in an attempt to dispel the myths surrounding the event and prove that this was neither a coordinated UFO hoax nor a viral marketing campaign. The clip below also reveals, for the first time since the event unfolded, the first witness reports: based on my conversations with Eligael and other relevant parties.

There is nothing I hate more than writing long, boring, somewhat technical articles attempting to prove this or that, but I have began to do so and the beginnings of that effort can be read below the video, for those interested. This will be updated over time-so check back. Please share the video and contents of this page if you feel they are worthwhile.

[Click here to read full article]

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