Friday, March 18, 2011

The Patricia La Rue Story: UFO Over Okinawa, Japan

By Patricia La Rue, HPI Ufologist

One night in late 1986 or early 1987 in Okinawa Japan, I had a UFO in my backyard. I lived in a small house, off base, which sat at the left corner at the end of a cul-de-sac. The house had a back yard the size of a small volleyball court, enclosed by a 4’ high brick wall with a small side gate. Behind the house was a large park with a sloping hillside leading down to the ocean. My bedroom had a window that faced the street of the cul-de-sac and my daughter had the bedroom that looked out on the backyard. Her room had a large window that was long and set low, with the bottom ledge being about 2½’ above the floor. The window was dressed with a thin stick bamboo shade that let light through and provided some visibility to the outside, but did not cover the bottom of the window, providing full visibility to a two year old.

My daughter woke me up complaining of bright light in bedroom. It took me a few minutes to wake out of a deep sleep. My daughter was frightened and persistent, so I walked with her down the short hall to her room to see what she was afraid of. As I entered her room I could see a very bright white light coming through the window and filling the room. At first I thought that it was a large spotlight. We crept to the window, and on my knees with my daughter standing next to me, we peered outside.

I saw a saucer shaped object with a tall top not sitting on the ground but was floating above the ground at least two feet. The craft filled up most of the backyard. There were large lights in a single row along the widest edge of the craft giving off pastel colors of pink, blue, and yellow. The whole craft was enveloped with fog, but I could still see a few stars in the sky behind it. As we were peering out the window the fog became thicker and the light brighter, however the bright light was not coming from the colored lights but seemed to be coming from the fog itself. As the light shone brighter through the glass, it reminded me of sun shining through a window, catching all the tiny dust particles in its light. But, then I realized the particles were actually not dust particles, but the fog. The fog was rolling through the window, which was a solid pane of glass, and spilling on to the floor. At that moment, as I watched the floor filling with fog, spilling on us, I was afraid. I grabbed my daughter and we hid behind her rocking chair against all my common sense and instinct. I still remember thinking that we really weren’t hid at all, as we were only across the room from the window and in full view of it. I thought that it was a dumb hiding place but it seemed like we were frozen in awe and fear of what was happening and had to witness it.

The next morning I woke up in my own bed, and my daughter in hers. I did not know what happened after we hid, how I got to bed, or how my daughter got in her bed. To this day I still don’t have any knowledge of what happened. As frightened as we were, I would have taken her to bed with me and would not have left her in her room to sleep. Two weeks after the incident, my daughter pointed out a white scar in the shape of a half moon, on her ankle. She had not had any prior injuries to cause the scar and I did not have an explanation for the mark. Eventually the scar faded.

The scariest part of the whole incident was the fog because it was so invasive and that I cannot explain what events happened after we “hid”.

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