Wednesday, March 16, 2011

UFO causes stir in Indonesia

BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhuanet)

Unidentified Flying Objects have been causing a stir in Indonesia. Crop circles previously unknown in the region have recently started to appear reviving theories about their mysterious extra terrestrial origins.

This geometric design of interlocking circles recently appeared in a rice field near the village of Sleman in Central Java.

It is Indonesia's first crop circle.

The appearance of the circle thrust the work of Indonesia's UFO hunters into the national spotlight.

BETA-UFO Indonesia was established in 1997 by a community of like-minded people fascinated by Unidentified Flying Objects .

Despite official denials UFO hunters like Andyono Muharso remain convinced that only alien creatures could have been responsible for the crop circles.

Andyono Muharso, UFO Researcher, siad, "Our conclusion at this time is that it is impossible for a person to make this. If it were made by a person with a very advanced technology, it might have been possible. We don't know for sure. But it is impossible that it was made by a person with a wood and rope."

[Click here to read full article]

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