Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Woman sacrificed by husband in Jharkhand

A woman was sacrificed by her husband in a village in Jharkhand as he claimed he wanted to achieve supernatural powers.

The incident took place in Hariyari village of Godda district, which is about 500 km from Ranchi Friday, according to reports in local media Sunday.

Funiram Soren asked his wife Fulin Hembrom to bow in front of images of gods and goddesses. When she bowed down, he hit her head with an iron rod. She started bleeding profusely. Funiram later strangulated her to death.

The neighbours of Funiram informed police about the incident. After killing his wife, Funiram absconded.

According to villagers, Funiram was trying to gain supernatural powers. The black magic god reportedly came in his dream and asked him to sacrifice a close relative so he killed his wife.

Human sacrifice is not new in Jharkhand. In last seven years, more than half a dozen case of human sacrifice have been reported in the state.

[Click here to read full article]

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