Wednesday, April 20, 2011

3 Questions to Get Your Paranormal Investigation Started

Often when we're investigating a haunted house, there may currently be someone living there during the time of the investigation. Of course this makes permission all the more easily attainable over an old historic or abandoned residence, but it also means you'll get to interview them. But what questions should you ask?

Start with the basics. You'll know the obvious questions to ask: "Have you ever seen a ghost?" Of course they're going to want to talk about the story experience. But keep in mind the witness is going to want to talk about the story side of it. You may want some more technical information to help you try to catch the ghost in action either later in the day or at a later date. Ask questions about the technical aspects of the experience after they give you their narrative. These facts might be able to help you predict where the ghost will appear next and possibly when. And if not, it will still give you some guidance on where the investigation should go first.

*Where were you when the incident occurred?

[Click here to read full article]

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