Friday, April 1, 2011

Police swoop to round up feathered gang who caused chaos for three years

Dawn breaks in Abington Drive and, for a moment, all is quiet.

Suddenly a rustling in the undergrowth breaks the silence. Then a clucking sound. (More like a bwwaaawk! To be precise). Then another. Then another.

By 4am the whole street is alive to the sound of chickens. Chickens in the road…chickens in back gardens… chickens clambering over parked cars and spattering them with chicken poo.

At one stage there were 50. For residents of this once peaceful suburban idyll, it became a living nightmare.

They called them the Wild Bunch. Locals were woken daily by the 4am cacophony and had to pick a path through clusters of marauding chickens whenever they ventured out.

Needless to say, feathers were ruffled in Banks, near Southport, Lancashire, where the poshest houses cost £400,000 and upwards.

There was only one thing for it. They called in the Chicken Police.

[Click here to read full article]

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