Saturday, May 21, 2011

Incredible story of how man survives being hit by lightning TWICE in remarkable CCTV footage

The chances of being struck by lightning once are high enough.

But one unfortunate man appears to have been electrocuted twice within the space of a minute by two almighty bolts of lightning.

The hapless pedestrian had been jogging along a quiet city street when CCTV captured the astonishing moment on April 11.

Shortly before the apparent freak accident a walker carrying an umbrella and a jogger had passed through the street unscathed.

They are followed later by a young couple walking arm-in-arm as they shelter from what could be light drizzle.

But the unlucky man then jogs in from the bottom of the screen wearing dark trousers and a heavy coat.

Seconds later a frightening bolt of electricity rips down from the heavens and zaps the man in his tracks.

He stumbles for a few feet before collapsing painfully face down onto the hard ground.

[Click here to read full article]

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