Saturday, June 4, 2011

UFO photographed in China

Picture is (C) copyright to THE STAR/ANN

A MAN took a picture of an unidentified flying object (UFO) while holidaying in the outskirts of Kunming, China.

He did not notice anything strange in the sky until he looked at the photographs he took later.

'I took two pictures of the scenery. When I checked them later that night, I saw three black dots hovering above the Songhua dam in one of the photos. The biggest one looked like a butterfly,' he said.

Kunming UFO Research Society president Zhang Yifang said he ruled out the biggest black spot being a kite or a bird.

'It has the saucer-like shape of a UFO. I believe it is a UFO, but I can't confirm anything with just one photograph,' he said.

[Click here to read full article]

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