Sunday, July 10, 2011

UFOs and Occupants Sightings in South East Asia

Source: UFO Reports in Southeast Asia, 1800-1996 by Ahmad Jamaludin.

These are just a tip of the iceberg of UFOs activities in South East Asia, and we do not intend to cover all cases in this article. The main purpose is just to show the readers that there were and there still are strange things going on in our sky.

17 July 1810, Meklong, Thailand: HMS Nereid, a British merchant schooner was moored in the vicinity of Meklong and while the captain, Augustus Tweed was on watch, he sighted a display of lights in the night sky. The lights appeared in the eastern sky and flew and turned until they abruptly vanished from sight. Captain Tweed witnessed the lights again on 31 July and 9 August. Apparently they plunged into the sea on 9 August.

28 August 1810, Meklong, Thailand: Dr. Jacob Hazlitt, a missionary and physician living in Siam reported that he saw a man made all of silver on the road outside Meklong. His skin was gleaming and had only one eye.

September 1810, Thailand: A young woman claimed that she was awaken by some unknown force one night. She described the evening as being devoid of all animal sound. (This could be due to the subject is in fact in an altered state of consciousness. Ufologist Jenny Randles call this the Oz Factor) Looking into the yard beyond her house, she claimed to have seen a man made all of metal. The man had only one eye. She added that she was abducted to an undersea palace of lights.

14 March 1969, Thailand: A KC-135 tanker was flying over Thai airspace when the crew sighted a cylindrical object larger than the tanker and holding position at their altitude. The plane commander cautiously banked toward the UFO and it veered away in a matter of seconds.

10 August 1944, Sumatra, Indonesia: Captain Alvah Rieda, a B29 bomber commander had been ordered to stay behind and photograph the damage inflicted on a Japanese oil depot in Sumatra after US planes had bombed the area. Then an oval-shaped UFO appeared off his right wing. He frantically tried to shake it off but the UFO matched every turn he made. After 8 minutes the UFO shot upward and disappeared in the overcast.

16 June 1909, Dong Hoi, Vietnam: At 4.10 am, an astronomer, M. Beljonne, sighted an elongated object described as truncated at both ends, flew over the city on a west-east course. The UFO was casting a great luminosity. 4 other witnesses, all fishermen who were fishing at sea reported that the phenomenon lasted from 8 to 10 minutes. The UFO was reported to have fallen into the sea at about 6 kilometers from the shore.

11 June 1967, Da Nang, Vietnam: U.S. military personnel at the DaNang base reported sighting a cylindrical, silver-coloured object over the base in daytime. F-102 jets were sent up to intercept but the pilots were unable to locate the UFO.

22 July 1947, Ayer Rajah Road, Singapore: Regimental Sergeant Major T.J. Needham reported that he had sighted a saucer-shaped object at 6.45pm. The object appeared to be flying with a spiral motion and with slight dips. Witness called another soldier, RQMS Crump who also saw the UFO which was flying at a pace slower than a jet fighter.

28 April 1952, South Canal Road & Raffles Place, Singapore: Hundreds of witnesses sighted a cigar-shaped silvery object with smoke spouting from it streaking across the sky at 3.45pm. Yee Hong Phoy reported that the UFO flew towards the harbour from the north then turned back for about two minutes before going towards the sea again. The object was flying very high and very fast. Another witness William Osborne reported a slip stream of vapour trail behind its body. His friend, Lee Chin Ghee said the sighting lasted for about 10 minutes.

28 April 1952, Singapore: Members of the Singapore Swimming Club reported sighting a flying disc at 7.15pm. The object was described as big with a sort of bright flame on one side of its body. It was spinning parallel to the earth and flew towards the west.

24 February 1953, Seria, Brunei: Hundreds of witnesses saw in the clear blue sky a tiny but exceedingly bright star-like object hovering at a height estimated to be at 30,000 feet altitude. The object appeared to be rotating slowly with two jets, vapour or cloud formation appearing and disappearing at the edges. The sighting lasted for about 40 minutes.

24 August 1967, Kuala Belait, Brunei: A police officer sighted a large round object with dim white light underneath it at 7.45pm. The UFO was reported to the traveling across Kuala Belait from the direction of Miri, Sarawak, and going towards Seria. It seemed to be moving at about 30 mph but was completely silent.

1 November 1968, Baros, Philippines: A witness reported sighting a white object with red lights. Through its transparent canopy, the witness could see two beings wearing white coveralls. One of the occupants was taller than the other. In the same area, another farmer reported sighting a white low slung saucer-shaped object which landed and then took off again. Two beings were observed in the UFO. The farmer described them as Caucasian about 6 feet tall, wearing white suit with no identification (Nordic?). They wore glasslike headgears.

24 March 1972, Tukuran, Philippines: A witness claimed to have seen a UFO and he fired his .45 caliber pistol at it. He claimed that his pistol cracked after the shooting and the object vanished.

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