Wednesday, September 14, 2011

8 Things To Do If You See a Ghost

Don't be afraid! Don't panic! It's only an entity from another plane of existence! Here's what do to if you see a ghost

CHANCES ARE because you are visiting this website that you are interested in ghosts. Perhaps you have been on ghost hunts or are even a member of a ghost investigation group. But have you ever thought about what you would do if you ever really came face-to-face with a ghost? Or what you should do?

Here are 8 things you should do if you see a ghost:


As much as many of us think we know how we'd react if we saw a genuine apparition, we don't really know until it happens to us. Perhaps you like to think you would be brave, but you might just freak out. And that is not unusual. It's our instinctive fight-or-flight response in the face of the unknown kicking in. We have seen experienced ghost hunters scream and run out of a room at the slightest noise or movement.

Whether you are on a ghost hunt seeking spirits or you spontaneously encounter an apparition (how it most often happens), fight the urge to panic and flee. After all, this might be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Not many people have this privilege.

Although your heart might be pounding and you mind racing, try to remain calm and still. Ghosts, for the most part, are completely harmless.

[Click here to read full article]

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