Thursday, September 8, 2011

Asian Flying Humanoids

Location: Camp Okubo near Kyoto Japan

Date: 1952

Time: Night

What happened: Air Force Pvt. Sinclair Taylor on duty saw a giant winged man like being descending towards him; it then hovered near him, looking intently at his direction. The being was about seven-foot tall with a similar wingspan. The panicked guard began firing his weapon towards it but when he looked at the spot where the being had been hovering, it had vanished.
Source: Unexplained Mysteries of the 20th Century by Janet and Colin Bord. (Does anyone have more details on this old sighting?)

We have noted that the flying men stories of 1948 have been revisited by researchers in recent years. No reason some of these others should not be, as well. And Theo Paijman may have a surprise in the coming years from his extensive research on the data. In the meantime, let’s look at another Asian case.

[Click here to read full article]

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