Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Feeling of Being Watched

Isn't it strange that we have an actual sensation or feeling equated to being watched? For centuries people have reported an eerie feeling when they feel like someone they can't see is observing them. And this phenomenon would be added to the laundry list of other strange but ultimately baseless occurrences if it wasn't for the research of one man when he decided to put the feeling of "being watched" to the next level. Rupert Sheldrake, a researcher and parapsychologist came across evidence while conducting trial research on the matter that people had a definite impression of when they were and were not being watched. The experiments he conducted gave a whole new level of controversy to the subject and finally gave some level of credibility to the phenomenon of scopaesthesia, or "feeling like you're being watched." In the experiment, Sheldrake lurked in the background of a quiz show in the UK while it was being taped by the BBC. At random intervals Sheldrake would designate a time to stare at people in the audience behind their backs. He and his research assistants then videotaped the event and looked back on their results. What they found was astounding. [Click here to read full article]

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