Friday, September 16, 2011

Medium claims to bring participants to Hell and back

By Beh Yuen Hui

GEORGETOWN, Malaysia - A group of daring people took the opportunity to be part of a 'Hell Tour' in Penang.

The trip was organised by Master Kek Eng Seng of the Tze Bei Guan Yin Dhamma Centre, who claims that he can travel through the realms of Earth, Heaven and Hell.

For the first time in Malaysia, he offered people the opportunity to visit the 'Afterworld'.

Surprisingly, there was an overwhelming response. More than 200 people from all around the country registered for the extraordinary trip.

Some were taken off the list through a screening process, based on the birth dates that were unfavourable with the timing of the tour. Pregnant women and those having their period were also turned down.

Finally, the number of Hell travelers was brought down to slightly more than 50, including a dozen reporters from the Chinese dailies and yours truly from Daily Chilli.

It had been raining almost the whole day on Thursday and Friday but Saturday was sunny.

Master Kek claimed that he had appealed to Guan Yin deity to stop the rain for our trip to the afterworld.

[Click here to read full article]

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