Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mystery of Black Mesa Intrigues Archaeologists

The latest mystery of the Black Mesa, an eerie mountain of lava In the Oklahoma Panhandle, is stirring new interest among professional and amateur archaeologists.

Four states — Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico and Texas —corner near Black Mesa, which has yielded many relics of the ancient past, including the remains of dinosaurs and hairy mammoths.

But the newest find by R.Truman Tucker, 70-year-old retired rancher who has tramped the area all of his life, is mind-boggling in its possible scope.

Tucker has found what he believes to be human footprints in what looks like Dakota Sandstone, a cretaceous formation laid down during the age of dinosaurs. That, of course, is considered impossible by archaeologists and geologists who set man’s existence millions of years after the dinosaur age.

[Click here to read full article]

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