Sunday, September 11, 2011

UFO sighting in Shanghai and Beijing

A huge illuminant unidentified flying object (UFO) was reported by multiple airliner pilots in the sky above Shanghai, the Oriental Morning Post reported Tuesday.

The pilot of airliner CZ6554 said on his micro blog that a huge spherical illuminant was seen in the sky, 10,700 meters above Shanghai at 9 pm on August 20. “The luminant was really round and getting huger, (looks) hundreds times bigger than the moon and the diameter of the luminant was longer than 50 sea miles,” the pilot said on his micro blog.

The pilot said the aircrew of more than ten other airliners flying above Shanghai also reported the illuminant object, one by one.

The Air Traffic Management Bureau East China also confirmed the reports on Monday.
At almost the same time, a halo in the sky above Beijing was seen by local people.
A netizen named Chen Xu published a photo of the halo on his micro blog.

Chen said the halo was small at first, then expanded, moved north, and disappeared several minutes later.

[Click here to read full article]

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