Saturday, October 8, 2011

Girls spot 'female ghost' -- in the heart of town on Orchard Road

Picture is (C) copyright to STOMP

STOMPer Jan sent in this video of what seemed to be a female 'ghost' that was spotted along Orchard Road early this morning.

Said the STOMPer:

"I was walking home with my girlfriends after a late supper and chat at Orchard Road at about 1am when we suddenly witness a lady in white across the road.

"She was next to a tree when we saw her. She disappeared then mysteriously appeared ahead a few metres and seemed to be crossing the road but when a passing taxi looks like it was going to hit her, she disappeared again!

"We were all so frightened that we couldn’t help but scream and run away. Does anyone know if there was a hit and run accident near the empty plot of land behind Takashimaya in the past during this date?

"I thought the Chinese ghost month was already over! It all happened so fast but our friend caught it on her iphone and we had to slow down the video to see the ghostly images.

"I am still shaking as I post this!"

While ghost sightings have always been a mystery, there is a possibility that this could be a publicity stunt.

[Click here to read full article]

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