Sunday, October 23, 2011

How birth order and the zodiac can affect your job

Do you ever feel like you were just born to do your job?

According to a recent study conducted by CareerBuilder, there just might be some truth into that.

The survey, which was conducted between May 18 and June 8, 2011, among 5,708 workers compared workers in terms of chosen profession, title and salary compared workers based on birth order, astrological sign and sibling status.

Some of the interesting findings of the study is that Virgo, Aries and Scorpio signs are the most likely to earn six figures. Capricorn and Leo signs are the most likely to hold an upper management position (VP and above) with more Capricorns in C-level jobs.

People who were born under the Aries sign are most likely to work in middle management while Aquarius is the most likely to hold an entry-level job.

The study found that while workers will fall into different job levels, earning brackets and many different types of professions, there are certain job types that appear to attract some segments more than others.

Take a look at the gallery below to see more of the findings of their study.

[Click here to read full article]

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