Monday, October 3, 2011

Mysterious Animal Likely a New Species

A strange critter was handed to ZOO workers, and they believe it’s a new monkey species.

The Keepers said that none of them were able to determine what the animal with its white, orange and brown dappled fur and hazel eyes, was.

An anonymous man in Wenling, China, was the one who brought it to the zoo.

The same zoo hosted a “wedding” between six-year-old female monkey Xiaoya and seven-year-old male Wukong earlier this year.

The ceremony was carried out in hope that it would attract more visitors, there’s no doubt that the zoo owners are happy with this new attraction.

This animal certainly looks strange and unfamiliar to me. It makes me wonder where on earth did that man find this thing. Also if it’s so unique, why did he choose to hand it in? What do you think?
[Click here to read full article]Picture is (C) copyright to COMPANY

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