Friday, November 11, 2011

Hollywood psychic claims to have made contact with Amy Winehouse

By Marissa Charles

Amy Winehouse has spoken from beyond the grave, according to a celebrity psychic – who claims to work with some of Tinseltown’s biggest names.

New Yorker Kimberly Padula’s claims come as a coroner determined that the tragic star drank herself to death.

Padula, who says that she is on the payroll of some of Hollywood’s most influential people, claims that she contacted Winehouse in September, two months after the Rehab singer died at the age of 27.

Talking about “going into” Winehouse’s body, she says: “I got her suffocating. I got her not breathing. There was [alcohol], for sure. I don’t get foul play, though.”

Padula also shockingly claims the London-born star blames herself for her demise, saying that she had a “death wish” and that, although she didn’t kill herself, she had considered suicide at times.

“She’s saying it’s her own fault [that she died],” the 37-year-old says. “She’s not blaming anybody. She’s saying she wasn’t strong enough…

“Her poor little heart couldn’t take it anymore. Her body was so f***** up, weak, deficient, not healthy at all. Anaemic. Not eating. Super-weak. Emaciated.

“It wasn’t fun how she died. It happened quickly, though. It wasn’t a long thing… She just stopped breathing.”

Padula says that she could see Winehouse’s face, as she allegedly communicated with the dead star and that – despite her short life – she is at peace and she suspects that her grandmother “helped her over”.

“Relieved is what I’m hearing,” she says when asked if Winehouse is happy. “She’s happy that her family’s taken care of now.”

[Click here to read full article]

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