Friday, November 18, 2011

Man found dead after complaining apartment is haunted

A 38-year-old salesman was found dead on the ground floor of a car park of a high-rise residential building in Georgetown, Malaysia. Since moving into the apartment, Khoo Kim Bee had been suffering from insomnia, began behaving “oddly,” and soon began contemplating suicide.
“We were disturbed by an unfriendly spirit,” his wife Xue Lin told The Star Online while at the Penang Hospital mortuary. “Last week, Khoo had allegedly wanted to hang himself and even threatened to stab me with a pair of scissors.”

Xue told The Star that her husband had an appointment to undergo an exorcism, under the advisement of a Siamese Buddhist Temple master monk who had inspected the apartment.

The night before the appointment, Xue claimed that her husband woke her up twice in the wee hours and whispered to her that he wanted to take his own life before he apologised to her. In a groggy state, Xue said she “pacified” her husband “and told him to go back to sleep.”

The morning of his appointment, he was found dead by a neighbor.

Malina Ayub, 45, who stays in a unit opposite the couple’s home, said she heard a loud thud and went to investigate. “I thought someone had thrown rubbish from the upper floors but I was shocked to see a man lying in a pool of blood at the car park,” she said.

Assistant Commissioner of the Georgetown PD, Gan Kong Meng, said initial investigations revealed that the deceased had no financial or personal woes. “We have classified the case as sudden death. Foul play is ruled out,” he said.

[Click here to read full article]

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