Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Real Case of Chinese Ghost in Red ( 紅衣女滔天恨意燒炭自殺並滴血)

by Oregon Chang

This article consists of some abstracts of a Real Life case of the legendary Chinese Ghost in Red.

A brief simplified summary of the abstracts in English will be provided.



Basically, a woman who is suspicious of her husband having an affair outside, ends up in suicide. In the room she wrote words of curses in red. She swore of Revenge and used needle to poke at the photo of the woman who broke her family. This wife was all dressed in red and burnt charcoal by the side of her bed and died.


The deceased, 簡淑芬(三十八歲) had a son with the ex husband, 姜樹庸(三十三歲) who is 5 years younger than her. After marriage, the name was changed to 姜淑芬. The Wife was jobless and the husband was a computer engineer.




A photo with the needle pierce at a woman whom the wife believe to be the bitch who caused her family to be broken was found. The deceased wife was found dead on the bed with burning charcoal by the side and she was all dress in red. She took sleeping pills before she went to bed.

On the wall, she mentioned : " what have I done wrong? why must you force me to my death? " She had also wrote a curse on the wall saying : " When alive I cannot see the retribution of you both, after I die will find you both for revenge! I Hate You!"


[Click here to read full article]

A Commentary from the Team of Asiaparanormal :
The source is very brief. We are not clear of the real situation as we are not them. There might be things unmentioned that we may not be aware of. Please kindly do not jump to any conclusions on this article or take sides.

Life is too precious! Please take life seriously and live life to the fullest. Please don't do anything to harm yourself and people around you.

Whatever worst case that may happen to you, it is never the end of the world for you. Treasure life, cherish your own life and others.

Seek help when you are depressed.
Call some hotline if you need to

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