Wednesday, November 16, 2011

School 'sends away' 52 residents of the spooky kind

A SCHOOL in Kuantan performed a ritual to "send away" 52 ghost residents in the school, reported China Press.

The spirits included a female ghost which had been "living" in a mango tree for 200 years, it reported.

The two-hour ceremony was conduct- ed by seven people at about 11pm on Sept 7.

The school headmaster confirmed the ritual was held after some students encountered mysterious occurrences, including fans being switched on and off automatically.

"Some students spotted the spirits at certain corners and the school's park.

"CCTV recordings also showed the spirits wandering at staircases," he said.

The school decided to conduct the ritual to calm the students and teachers, the headmaster said.

However, the headmaster said some spirits refused to leave.

"The female ghost which hid in the tree wanted to continue staying there as she did not harm or disturb the students.

"However, all the spirits were told to leave," he said.

He said the teachers and students had peace of mind now.

[Click here to read full article]

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