Sunday, December 18, 2011

9 explanations to The 2012 December 21 prophecies

There are much speculations about world's end in the year of 2012 December 21. So let's us examine them and try the understand

This is a list of the most popular end of the world speculations:
1) The Mayan Calendar
2) Celestial Alignments
3) Suntelia Aion
4) Solar Cycles - Solar Max 2012
5) Crystal Skull Theory
6) Time Wave: Zero Point Novelty Theory
7) Native American Prophecies (Cherokee Calendar Prophecy & Hopi Prophecy)
8) Kali Yuga (Hindu Prophecy)
9) 2012 Transit of Venus

Everything about the events of December 21, 2012 is up for conjecture, personal interpretation and consist of a long timeline of theories that make sense to those who present them. What is true and what is false will be determined on, or before, that date.

Consciousness is shifting on all levels, which cannot be denied. Spiritually this is a movement into higher consciousness. To examine the accelerating physical Earth changes and consciousness of humanity, recognizing and healing its issues, is to understand this evolutionary process and what is occurring. There are many factors linked to December 21, 2012 returning to light, from which the human biogenetic emerged.

The best barometer for you, is your own intuition, which will allow you to sense great changes within and without. Dreams and meditation will also guide this part of your journey

[Click here to read full article]

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