Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Dish Spirit (纸碟仙 ) - Procedures and Pointers

by Jona82

碟仙(Die Xian) is known as the Dish Spirit or Saucer Spirit. It is also sometimes called as the Chinese Ouija Board

This article is on Procedures, Process and Pointers to take note of when playing this game

English Translation:

The saucer spirit refers to a spirit which dwells in a saucer. It has neither form nor shape. It attaches itself to the saucer, and it has the ability to foresee the future and look into the past. They are benevolent, but can be mischievous at times. There are things in this world that people don’t know about, or don’t want to encounter. However, these spirits are harmless. Maybe you might want to get to know more about them.

To summon the spirit, time and location is very important. It’s better to choose a relatively clean place, usually at 11pm at night. (Why not 12 midnight? This is because 12 midnight is the time the gates of hell open, when spirits lurk around. Otherwise, you might summon…let’s not talk about that.

Participants: Around 5 or 6. The spirit is summoned using a person’s thoughts [sic]. An ordinary person will have relatively weak thoughts, but it’s a different story when you have special abilities.

Tools: Choose a relatively clean plate, preferably white. Invert the plate over a white sheet of paper, then draw circles according to the wider circumference of the plate, then write “yes”, “no”, and the numbers 1 to 9. Even though the saucer spirit is a spirit, it belongs to the netherworld plane, which is a different world from our mortal plane. Therefore, it can only communicate with us through a solid object, and not by talking (you’ll probably foam at your mouth if it talks to you in the middle of the night)

Let’s start. Sit around the sheet of paper, and place the plate on the sheet of paper. Switch off all the lights, close the door, and open the window. Get everyone to tap their fingers lightly on the plate. Everyone has to start mentally chanting, “spirit of the saucer, I summon thee”. (If any one of them has distractive thoughts, the spirit will not come. Even if something eventually comes, heaven or hell knows what it is.)

How do you tell that the spirit has arrived? If you notice that the plate has started to move slightly, it shows that the spirit has arrived.

Once the spirit is summoned, most people will start asking the spirit its gender, age, and how it died. The spirit will answer. However, such questions must be asked carefully in order not to offend the spirit. Otherwise, trouble may brew. Remember! After that, you can ask anything you want. The spirit can guide you to the answers you desire.

Once the questions are answered, you’ll have to bring the spirit back to its original position. For this step, you'll have to proceed with caution, because any mistake could spell catastrophe. Once you finished asking all your questions, you'll need to chant, “Saucer spirit, we’re done with our questions, you may take your leave!” After that, the spirit will return to its original position, and you can take away the plate and pack up.

When carrying out this mystic ritual, the sheet of paper needs to be as big as a wall calendar. A circle corresponding to the size of the plate has to be drawn in the epicenter of the paper. Draw a skull and a pair of bones in that circle, and write in an orderly manner in the area around the circle, your surname, name, number, colour, and anything else you need to write. The format of the information provided must be clear and distinct.

Saucer spirit – Points to note

Do not take the initiative in asking the spirit to leave. You invited it, so how can a host chase its guest away? If you chase it away, you shall have to bear the consequences.

If you are doing this in summer, if you need to burn mosquito repellent incense or turn on an electric fan, you will need the spirit’s permission. If you take matters into your own hands, you shall have to bear the consequences.

In every session, the spirit will tease a person, and the answers it gives to the person who asks the question will tend to be provocative and teasing in nature. Bad luck if the person is you.

The spirit’s rules will be different in every place. Every situation has to be analyzed accordingly. If you're interested, no harm giving it a try. Their predictions are very accurate.

Take note that there are two major taboos when invoking spirits of pens, saucers, and chopsticks. 1) Do not ask them about their grievances. 2) Do not ask them about how they died. You’re getting yourself into trouble.

Even though the spirit of the plate is friendly, but the spirit you summon may not necessarily be it. So, good luck to you. Try to restrict your questions to those with yes or no answers, and numbers. That will make communication a lot easier. That's up to you.

Saucer spirit - Warnings

Such a game is dangerous. The probability of summoning demons is higher than that of summoning benevolent spirits. Please don’t try this for the purpose of testing your luck, or you may regret it.

Pointers of Dish Spirit

Pay Notice When Playing Dish Spirit – 8 big points to take note of !

Never forget these 8 Taboos when playing Dish Spirit! These 8 points are something you cannot missed out and forget or overlooked when playing Dish Spirit.

The 8 Taboos are as Follows :

Taboo number 1 ;
Never ask the Spirit on Incidents (Eg. Are you are Male or Female? How did you Die ? )

Taboo number 2;
Never ask anything over Gains or Benefits (Eg. Lottery numbers etc....!)

Taboo number 3;
Do not demand gains and benefit from the Dish Spirit

Taboo number 4;
Failure to request the spirit to leave or to properly invite the spirit to leave when you are done

Taboo number 5;
Being disrespectful to the spirit

Taboo number 6;
As much of your living essence is being used up when playing this game, do not go to unclean places such as haunted places or cemetery. It will be easy for you to encounter what you would not want to encounter and little imps may even follow you home.

Taboo number 7;
If anything went wrong in the process of the game , always remember to protect yourself (eg. Know a few basic and simple chants etc... and recite it continuously)


Taboo number 8;
If the arrow or pointer points at you, remember to burnt the whole paper completely into ashes after the game!

Other ways to play Dish Spirit / Saucer Spirit
1. Find a very remote and deserted place such as an abandon building or cemetery

2. Play at the most darkest hour such as the hour of the pig (亥) which is at 21:00 – 23:00

3. Not too many players (below 10 and the ratio of females should be more than males)

4. No handwriting of your own to be used, use papers such as old newspapers

5. The Dish or Saucer to be as old and ancient as possible

6. The arrow head of the dish/saucer must be the blood of a virgin girl and must be done before the game and in the rule of the game:

  1.  All players must make an oath whatever the answer will be from the game will be kept only among themselves and this secret must never be leaked or the person will be cursed
  2.  When inviting the Spirit, invert the dish/saucer facing up , everyone to place 1 finger at the the back of the dish/saucer , announcing your own name and respectfully invite the spirit to arrive.
  3. Once the dish/saucer has some reactions by itself, feel free to ask questions but however, remember not to ask regarding the spirit's background
  4. the dish/saucer will move and when it stops the word that the arrow is pointing is the answer.
  5. After you are done asking, respectfully request the spirit to leave and after the spirit has left you can remove your finger.



Original Article (Chinese):


碟仙 - 过程
Saucer spirit - Process



道 具:选一个比较干净的小碟子,最好是白色的,然后先在一张大大的纸头上用笔,倒扣碟子,在纸上按碟子的大小画圆,分别写上“是”“否”“1-9”数字。因 为小碟仙虽然是神仙但是和我们也是阴阳两隔,所以只能通过物体来交谈,而不能说话.(估计深更半夜的他和你说话,你要口吐白沫了)。






碟仙 - 注意事项

1、 不能主动要求小碟仙离开。因为你请他们来,怎么可以逐客呢?如果你赶他们走,后果……






碟仙 - 告诫



碟仙 禁忌

碟仙 禁忌 – 玩碟仙的八大禁忌

標籤:碟仙 禁忌,玩碟仙的禁忌,玩碟仙的八大禁忌,碟仙禁忌的事,玩碟仙的禁忌事項,玩碟仙不可不知的禁忌,碟仙 禁忌













Disclaimer : Team Asia Paranormal strongly discourage our readers to try it out! You are advised and recommended not to do it.

Team Asia Paranormal will not be responsible for any mishaps of any sort in the events of anyone trying it out on their own despite the warnings.

Try it at your own risk! Never dabble with the underworld and unknown.


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