Friday, December 2, 2011

Out of Body Experience – What Happens When You Leave Your Body?

by Steve G. Jones

An Out of Body Experience (OBE) is a deeply personal experience that can have profound effects. With the ability to change one’s outlook, deepen spirituality, and provide access to answers to life’s deepest questions, OBEs are a popular way to achieve enlightenment. There are several types of OBE and many ways in which to experience one. Depending on your goals and your willingness to practice, you can experience a variety of OBEs. Astral projection is one of the many types of OBE and is the one you are most likely to seek out on your own.

Types of Out of Body Experience

Involuntary — This type of OBE occurs quite by accident, and can happen with or without consciousness. They can be in the form of vivid dreams, after which you wake up tired. If there is consciousness of this type of OBE, you may wake up in the middle of a dream.

Voluntary — During this type of OBE, you will choose to have the experience. This can be done with or without consciousness. This type of OBE can be remote viewing, lucid dreams, or astral projection. Remote viewing is likely to be done without consciousness and astral projection is likely to be done with consciousness.

[Click here to read full article]

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