Sunday, December 25, 2011

Proofs that Santa Exists

Santa begins his long night aboard a sleigh NASA's shuttle has carried into an orbit 300 kilometres high, just 100 kilometres below the space station.

That altitude lets the reindeer really move, says Yau, because there's almost no air to slow them down. Of course, everyone has oxygen masks and protective suits.

The sleigh travels at 28,000 kilometres an hour, the same as many orbiting satellites, which works out to 23 times the speed of sound. That may explain why some children report hearing reindeer bells on Christmas Eve. It's really sonic booms.

That speed whips Santa around the Earth every 90 minutes, from the North Pole to the South and then back again as the world revolves beneath.

But Santa delivers only during the first half of the orbit because it's late morning on the other side of the globe as he heads back to the North Pole.

Based on eight reindeer, the scientist calculated the sleigh had to be a minimum 10 metres wide. To keep it stable in flight meant a height of 10 metres.

That's a cross-section of 100 square metres so dividing that into 23,500 cubic metres means the sleigh has to be 235 metres long.

Not so simple is getting the presents down to each child's house from a platform whizzing along 300 kilometres above the Earth.

"That's the tricky part," Yau agrees. He figures St. Nick has some special slingshot apparatus. "But it's unknown to science," the researcher admits.

[Click here to read full article]

There is a new Three Letter Spook Agency in town. Theses guys are above the NSA and the NRO and literally 'above everyone'. They also have a sneaky way of keeping their full name a Three Letter Agency.

The NGA National Geospatial-Inteligence Agency or "SPACE SPOOKS"

Well you KNOW it had to happen right?

As for the Santa, his Sled and Deliver System... my myriad contacts have told me that Santa has the assistance of the NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)

Here is the documented PROOF:

Press Release
Santa Turns to National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency for Help

BETHESDA, Md.—This holiday season, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has extended its expertise to one very special customer -- Santa Claus.

After being overwhelmed by a growing world demand, Santa approached NGA earlier this year and asked for help to streamline his Christmas Eve deliveries. “I need routes that will let me move around the world quickly and efficiently,” he said.

NGA combined satellite imagery with its map and chart making expertise to develop a digital navigation system that solved Santa’s problem. Called NGA TOY DELIVERY SYSTEM X-100, this specialized geospatial-intelligence product was specifically formatted to let Santa create quick and easy routes around the globe.

Santa installed a new satellite downlink and computer system to handle the NGA data. “I can really scoot around the world using this new navigation system,” Santa said. “The time I can save by taking the best routes will let me reach everyone on my list.”

NGA is honored that the number one world traveler would ask for our assistance. To view the NGA TOY DELIVERY SYSTEM X-100 and see how it is used by its revered customer, please go to [url][/url].

NGA is a Department of Defense combat support agency and a member of the National Intelligence Community. Its mission is to provide timely, relevant and accurate geospatial intelligence in support of our national security. Geospatial intelligence is the exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial information to describe, assess and visually depict physical features and geographically referenced activities on the Earth. Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., NGA has major facilities in the greater Washington, D.C., and St. Louis, Mo., areas with NGA support teams worldwide

Now surely the government would not lie to us about such an important matter? They had a video last year showing the system I hope they bring it back. If they do I will post it. But this is official government documentation that not only is Santa REAL, but that the government is assisting him with the latest high tech space capabilities that we haven't even been told about yet

[Click here to read full article]

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