Saturday, December 3, 2011

The sea monster of Amoy

Source: The Straits Times,11 August 1935

Here is an article from a Singapore newspaper of the mid 1930s about a sea monster near Amoy (now Xiamen) on the east coast of China:


The desperate attempts within recent months to obtain for the China coast a monster strange and ugly enough to compete with the growing number abroad seem to be on the verge of success, judging from latest reports from the Chaoan District near Amoy.

Compared with Loch Ness submarine creature and the number of weird relics washed up by the sea, the Amoy sea monster promises to exceed all in originality and interest. Although fishermen are among the authors of the terror-spreading tales from the Chaoan district, credence and colour are supplied by peasants who assert that they have also seen this new offspring of Father Neptune.

The monster, unfortunately, bears characteristics closely identical with those of a man seen from far off; and, although the shape of its body has not been decided upon satisfactorily, the natives say that its head at any rate is “almost human”. The creature is decently clad in long black hair which enables it to conform somewhat to convention when it relieves the monotony of marine existence by a walk on land or a hunt in the scrub for food.

Local inhabitants have been terrified by the monster`s alleged partiality for human flesh and have decided to make an attempt to capture the creature, both for their own safety and the honour of the district.

Colony fishermen agree that this would be the biggest “catch” of the season.

[Click here to read full article]

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