Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Supernatural Stories - The Ghost Bride of the Dish Spirit(靈異檔案-碟仙之鬼新娘)

By : Jona82


PS: 碟仙(Die Xian) is known as the Dish Spirit or Saucer Spirit. It is also sometimes called as the Chinese Ouija Board

Original Article (Chinese):

故事發生在很久以之,有班女生在一個晚上,幾位好朋友無聊,其中一人提議玩碟仙,本來都有點怕,但有一位女生說不怕啦一齊玩下,於是在好奇之下就玩了, 她們起初玩問了一些一般女生會問題例如自己有冇男朋友,老公多少兒女等.


大約一個月後晚上她做了個夢,夢 裡面有個男人在夢中跟她說,我現在已經幫你達成心願了,你之前說只要可以中彩票就什麼都可以答應,現在 我要你做我的的妻子.我會在一百天之後的零晨來接你過門,女生突然從夢中嚇醒,知道大件事了,就到處找人看能不能有辦法,找了佛教高僧,道士跟夢中的男人 談判都不行.因為幫她中彩是個男的而又末有妻子.

她只好開始安排 將自己的錢分配好給家人.一百天後的夜晚,家人在家陪她,到零晨女生見到門口停了一輛花驕,之後和家人哭泣地說他們到了, 於是就突然斷了氣就過身了 .

其實女生不應該說什麼條件都答應,所以許願的時候要切記,不要許什麼都可以答應的條件,免去不必要麻煩, 許願會可以說用鮮花和水果來感謝拜祭.

English Translation:

The story took place a long time ago. A group of girls were bored and decided to play the “summon the saucer spirit” game. At first they were scared, but one girl said that she wasn't scared and suggested to all of them to play, out of curiosity. At first, they asked questions that most girls would ask, such as whether they will have a boyfriend, husband, or how many children.

The spirit did not respond. One of them asked if the spirit could help her strike lottery, and asked it for the winning number, and even said that she would do anything if she won. A day after one week passed, she really won. She was very happy, but what followed was an impending tragedy.

Around a month later, she had a dream. She dreamt that a man said to her that since he had helped her to strike lottery, she would do anything he asked. So he wanted her to become his wife, and will come to fetch her in the early morning 100 days later. The girl suddenly woke up, and knew she was in big trouble, and searched for solutions. She consulted Buddhist monks and Taoist priests to try and negotiate with the man in her dream. It didn’t work out, since he helped her strike lottery and is still unmarried.

She started to make arrangements to distribute her money to her family members. A hundred days later, at night, her family members accompanied her. In the wee hours of the morning, the girl saw a bridal sedan waiting for her at their doorstep. Following that, she and her family bade each other a tearful farewell, and suddenly she stopped breathing.

Actually the girls should not even say that she would do anything he asked. That’s why, when making wishes, be very careful. As long as you don’t say “I’ll do anything you ask”, you can avoid trouble. When making wishes, you can offer flowers or fruits to give thanks and show respect.

[Click here to read Original Source]

1 comment:

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