Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What the 2012 Prophecy Is Really About

by Jack Canfield

The media is currently reporting about the end of the Mayan Calendar and Nostradamus' prophecies about the end of the world, slated to occur on Dec. 21, 2012. There is a lot of doom and gloom associated with this date, and much of it is based on absolute conjecture unrelated to any hard facts of any kind.

I recently learned that the actual Mayan prophecies connected to the end of their calendar are positive predictions and not negative at all. I believe this time what we are experiencing is an essential evolutionary process, or what my friend Barbara Marx Hubbard identifies as the birthing pains necessary for our evolution. I believe that my own life purpose is related to bringing to you and others the positive potential of 2012 for ALL of us to create a better world.

I have written a new book called "The Golden Motorcycle Gang." The premise of the book is taken from actual events in my life. My life has been dedicated to inspiring and motivating others to live their highest vision of their ideal life and offering transformational trainings that help people succeed in all aspects of their lives. However, a very important moment in my life was a vision I had when I was still in graduate school of seeing myself along with others as members of a special gang of golden motorcycle riders speeding through space encountering a planet in distress. That planet, of course, was earth.

In the 40 years since I had that original "golden motorcycle gang" vision I have only shared the story with my closest friends and colleagues. One of the people I told the story to, over dinner in Santa Barbara a decade ago, was Bill Gladstone. In the years since, every time I saw Bill he would ask me if I had the time to write the story down to share in a book. Bill saw in the story of the Golden Motorcycle Gang an even larger purpose than I had seen myself. I was busy living my life, authoring, co-authoring and overseeing hundreds of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" titles, creating an amazing network of transformational leaders and conducting my Success Principles workshops and trainings throughout the world.

I now see how all of those activities are actually linked to my higher purpose of connecting millions of people to the dynamic opportunity that 2012 represents for changing the direction of so many negative current trends, from global warming to economic collapse, religious wars, terrorism, poverty, inequality and intolerance.

These are serious world problems, and they will not go away on their own. However, with awareness and united focus from each of us we can and I predict will solve the majority of these problems and solve them within the next 20 to 30 years. If we do not get to the bottom of these problems NOW, there may be no 2112. A hundred years may seem like a long time, but when we consider that our children and grandchildren are the ones to deal with those future dates, clearly this is the time for us to wake up.

Barbara Marx Hubbard, an evolutionary futurist who plays a major role in the book, believes she is here to present to the world five questions. You may discover your own higher life purpose within these questions:

Do you remember the original plan?

What she is asking is... are you aware there's some destiny unfolding that you're a part of? A lot of people will tell you they are.

Do you have any memory of having volunteered to come to Earth at this particular time?

I am clear that I volunteered to come down here. I think a lot of people did. I read "Life Before Life" by Dr. Helen Wambach, in which she reported administering 2000 questionnaires and a series of interviews with people who had, under hypnosis, direct memory of choosing to be born, what gender to be, what race to be, and what kind of parents they wanted to have -- all coming in with a clear purpose. They had all met with a board of advisors if you will -- guides who helped them clarify their purpose so that when they came down, they could fulfill it.

The third question is, if so, do you remember your contract?

Do you remember what you agreed to do? For example, I agreed to help bring about a world that was more peaceful and harmonious and where people were living their highest vision rather than living their lowest vision out of fear.

What do you do best in the world that only YOU can do?

What we're all being called to do right now is to authentically be ourselves. Ask yourself, what is it that I do that's unique to me?

My wife, for example (I call her "a day maker") makes people's days. She leaves a message on your cell phone and it makes your day. She walks into the salon to get her hair done and everybody walks out of there happier because she was there. That's her purpose.

What are you supposed to do now, and what tools and resources do you need to do it?

We really have to tune in every day and say, what am I to do now? Today? This period of life? This month? This cycle? This season? And then go and find the tools, the resources and the people to be able to do that work. We need to all be supporting each other in that.

I sincerely hope you will seize this opportunity to be part of the collective, positive social movement that is changing the world. Together we can create a new world that most of us only dream about. That dream is now a reality, and we are all parts of the new whole that is forming; collectively members of something great, and we all can play a part in this momentous time in our history.

[Click here to read full article]

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