Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Adele terrified that her new mansion is haunted

Poor Adele! Shortly after moving into her new palatial $6 million pad, she’s too scared to sleep in it alone. The ‘Someone Like You’ singer is convinced her new mansion is haunted.

The Sun reports that Adele hired a former female driver to be her bodyguard in her new home 24/7. She’s reported to have told a friend, “I’m not rattling around here on my own. It gives me the creeps.”

Adele allegedly hired the bodyguard after “hearing things that made her jump.” The details are scant about just what those sounds were, but they were enough to terrify the singer into paying the bodyguard over $100,000 a year to stick around with her.

Adele’s 25-acre estate used to be a convent. The mansion has two swimming pools (one indoor, one outdoor), tennis courts, a ballroom, a helipad, a staff cottage and 10 bedrooms. Ironically, when describing her new home to Anderson Cooper, Adele told him, “This house is safety for me.”

“Adele was so excited to be renting such a lavish property but it has not turned out as happily as it should have,” a source told the newspaper. “She is convinced it is haunted. She knows about its religious history — and it’s a big place to be in on your own in the dead of night.”

We’re glad Adele is taking precautions, but we’re a bit skeptical still. Large old houses tend to creak and settle, so we’re hoping that’s the only thing going on — and that it’s not something more sinister! Perhaps her next tour shouldn’t be with Anderson Cooper, but with the cast of ‘Ghost Hunters.’

[Click here to read full article]

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