Monday, March 5, 2012

Prehistorical Plant Resurrected 30000 years later (Доисторические завод Воскресший 30000 год спустя россияне )

Biologists have revived a 30,000-year-old plant that last flowered when ancient woolly mammoths roamed the Earth. Cultivated from fruit tissues that were recovered from frozen sediment in Siberia, Silene stenophylla is by far the oldest to be brought back from the dead

The previous record holder was a sacred lotus, which dated back about 1200 years.

The late David Gilichinsky and his colleagues from the Soil Cryology Laboratory in Moscow, Russia, recovered the fruits of the ice age flowering plant from a fossilised squirrel burrow in frozen sediments near the Kolyma river in north-east Siberia.

 [Click here to read full article]

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