Sunday, April 1, 2012

2012 Apocalypse date wrong?

Achí Rabinal, an professor of ancient Mayan studies at the National University of Tultitlán, says the true end is now nearer. The original date was off by five months, he says; the real day is July 21st.

This was the results of research conducted in conjunction with NASA and the FBI to assess the possible risks caused to humankind by the apocalypse.

"There was an error used in the original calculations based on the ancient Mayan manuscripts; our modern calculators were too fast and furious to calculate ancient numbers, thus the dates were off by five months," said Professor Rabinal.

When asked what can mankind do in the event of this latest update, he said: "Sell off all your worldly possessions; seek enlightenment and hope for the best on 20th July."

[Click here to read full article]

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