Wednesday, May 16, 2012

In Bhutan, friendly phalluses painted on houses scare off evil spirits

In the tiny landlocked Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, the unique aesthetic tradition of painting erect penises on architecture — a tradition that has persisted for over 500 years — is finally receiving attention on a global scale. Yes, from the mountains to the valleys, Bhutan is covered with disembodied doodles.

But unfortunately for Bhutanese lovers of painting wiggling penises on the sides of their homes, foreign prudishness and the strictures of globalisation threaten to quash this virile art form. Join as we bask in the glory of Bhutan's public members. The following is arguably not safe for work, unless you're currently employed in Bhutan.

A few months ago, we ran a piece on the most phallic destinations on planet Earth. Following said post, several readers wrote in wondering why Bhutan was not included among those tumescent locales. Forsooth, gentle inquirers. There are penile places, and then there are veritable penile wonderlands — Bhutan is the latter. As the health journal Der Urologe elaborates, the symbol gained popularity thanks to a womanizing monk with a unique means of battling supernatural evil:

For most foreigners, the omnipresence of depictions of phalli, always erected and often ejaculating on many walls of traditional houses is a stunning impression.The popularity of these displays goes back to the "Holy Madman" Drukpa Kunley (1455-1529) who made generous use of his penis to fight demons, convert women to Buddhism and mock the religious establishment. Although there is a vast written and oral tradition on the religious and historical significance of the phallus-symbol, for most Bhutanese today it merely means a sign of good luck and an instrument to ward off evil spirits.

[Click here to read full article]

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