Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lawyer Claims Time Travel Coverup

Lawyer Andrew Basiago says he has a long history of traveling back in time, and he's been sharing his story with researchers the world over with his shocking allegations. In addition to speaking about subjects ranging from John Titor to his own witnessing of Lincoln's assassination, Basiago recently entered the news circuit once again after claiming that Barack Obama had once teleported to Mars in a secret CIA project operating out of a community college in California.

The Seattle Attorney says he was involved in a project when he was only seven years old called "Project Pegasus" to explore then recent developments in time traveling technology. His own involvement in the project, he says, was partially because children are more likely to adapt well to the effects of time travel. He additionally says the technology involved in the project is powerful enough to transform the face of transportation if only it would be unlocked.

The principles behind the time travel technology are allegedly based on tech recovered by government agents who raided the personal notes kept in the New Yorker hotel by Nikola Tesla where he died in July of 1943.

[Click here to read full article]

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