Saturday, May 5, 2012

Psychic Phenomena: Common Sense Questions that Require Answers

Why are the investigations into the strange happenings that we are shown on TV always done at night? With of course the artificial spooky conditions and lighting thrown in and NEVER total adequate video/audio coverage of the full area under so-called investigation? And why is it impossible for the viewer of the programs to make sense of the recordings of the spooks’ voices without the presenters (so-called investigators) having to reveal what exactly the voice recording says?

How do the spirits or whatever know the location or time to find the mediums or deceased's family so the messaging/conversing/contacting can take place?

Why don't the psychics get the messages/information from the departed or from wherever properly from the outset? Why the need to ask more questions for a more detailed message?

Why don’t the psychics interrogate the spirits during the contacts about what they do on the “other side” to keep busy and about the details and circumstances on the “other side” and to obtain answers also to questions like those posed here?

Where does the idiotic idea come from that the spirits of some dead are still roaming around on this earthly plane because they don’t realize they have physically died and hence need
assistance from mediums to pass on further? Spirits can’t be SO utterly stupid!!! Nobody can be so dumb that you will not realize after a while that you must be dead. Didn’t they at least at some stage see their dead physical bodies being separate from their new “spiritual” existence?

[Click here to read full article]

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