Thursday, August 16, 2012

Oregon Chang of Asiaparanormal delivers Speech on Chinese Ghost in Red at Toastmasters Club

Click to view the speech made by Master Oregon Chang At ToastMasters on Aug 16 , the eve of the Chinese 7th month Hungry ghost festival.

The topic is on the Chinese Ghost in Red Articles are taken from :

Chinese Ghost in Red   [Click here to read Chinese Ghost in Red]
Chinese Ghost in Red Method [Click here to read Chinese Ghost in Red Method]
Real Cases of Ghost in Red , Taiwan [Click here to read Real Cases of Chinese Ghost in Red]
Bedok Reservoir Cursed with bad Feng Shui ?
 [Click here to read Bedok Reservoir Cursed with bad Feng Shui ?]
False Alarm of Ghost in Red in 2011 ( China Beijing Subway Train)
[Click here to read False Alarm of Ghost in Red ?]

By Contributor : Chan ShiJie

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