Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chinese Cupid God, Yue Lao

Yue Lao

The Chinese version of the cupid would be Yue Lao. Cupid to the western is a young chap who is some sort of angel that shoots love arrows. All he needs to do is to shoot his first arrow at one person followed by the second arrow at another person. The person whom had been shot by his arrow would be connected together and fall in love with each other. Yue Lao on the other hand is an old man living in the moon. He is a matchmaker as well as the god of marriages. All humans have a piece of red string. All he needs to do is to tie a knot with the red threads as one piece. Whosoever whose strings is being tied together would fall in love and come together eventually.
[Click here to read full article]

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