Friday, September 7, 2012

False Alarm of Ghost in Red in 2011 ( China Beijing Subway Train)

Among the many ghosts, the ghost that the Chinese fears the most would be the Chinese ghost in red. However, there was one such "ghost" which became a amusement to the Chinese of China. in the end everyone realize that this ghost was fake you may refer to the below pictures and video

1) "Ghost" is somewhere, not that obvious and visible yet


2) "Ghost" Has Appeared ! boarding the Train with everyone


3) The " Ghost "  is next to you !

4) Ghost ? Ghost ?  Ghost ?

5) Hey SISTER ! you are a Human

6) FAKE Ghost discovered

 A "ghost" wearing a long red dress, was spotted on a subway train in Beijing, China. The woman who was also wearing a pair of red shoes with embroidery on them, appeared at Jingsong station and boarded a train. Passengers were apprehensive after seeing her standing still at the station alone in the beginning, but after finding out she was a real person, burst into laughter.

 Many curious passengers took out their cellphones and cameras to record down the pale-looking "ghost-like" woman whose long hair covered most of her face. Some even sat next to her to pose for pictures. A clip of the incident, posted on the Internet has gone viral. Netizens believe that it was a promotional stunt planned by the crew of Blood Stained Shoes, as "ghost" looks similar to the one in the movie.

[Click here to read full article]

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