Thursday, September 27, 2012

Love spells experience in South East Asia

You may have seen, on this forum or other forums, countless postings from self-proclaimed New Age practitioners, healers, magicians etc promising to reunite lovers, to bring back that ex-boyfriend or girlfriend you never stopped loving.
I, for one, had the privilege of experiencing this wonderful emotion called love with a man five years ago. Some may say it was my downfall to have given so much of my heart to him. He was young and immature. After being fired from his job, he left me from external pressures from worries about work, money...peers telling him he was too young to settle down, that he could do better than me...
I know full well the temptation to sell one's eternal soul just for a few kind words and moments with the man you love with all your heart. Asia's love magic industry is worth billions - Malay/Indonesian bomohs, Thai/Cambodian black magic masters abound to prey on single desperate women yearning for love, be it a new love, bringing home a straying husband or an ex-boyfriend. 99% of these are scam artists. Unfortunately, there is the 1% who are genuine practitioners of the black arts to draw these women into a living hell.
I was broken-hearted after we broke up and fell to the depths of depression. As a result, I was tempted into a dastardly world of Malay bomohs and Thai black magic masters in a desperate bid to bring him back to me. All the nastiest practices you can think of in the black arts, be it dead foetuses in bottles, wax voodoo dolls, using my ex-boyfriend's bazi, personal items etc - I did it all...and was nearly dragged into hell in the process.

[Click here to read full article]

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