Tuesday, October 23, 2012

True Life Encounters of WereTigers in Thailand (JULY 9, 2011, Saturday )

Long ago, when I was still in diapers, toddling around the jungles of northern Thailand with my missionary folks, they had a get together with all their missionary friends.

One of the older missionaries, a wise and respected man, told this story.

“We had just moved to a new village, and several people were coming to Jesus. The local witch doctor was angry about it. We found strange things outside our door, and outside the other Christian’s doors . . . cursed items and the like. The witch doctor was powerful, but I wasn’t worried.

But one night, as I lay sleeping, I woke up and smelled a tiger (tigers have a powerful, unmistakable scent). Thinking it was underneath the hut (his hut was on stilts) I jumped out of bed to find my gun. But the Tiger was standing at the foot of my bed!

[Click here to read full article]

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