Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bhutan Ghost encountered by Sabrina

Here’s why, a few days before we left the capital, one of the teachers had a book that said my region (Bumthang) was known for the most ghost sightings and spiritual activity. If you’re a close friend of mine, you know that’s the last thing I wanted to hear. I have experienced way too much paranormal activity in my lifetime and ghosts freak me out more than these stray dogs. There’s something about my aura that ghosts seem to like and sometimes they try to give me messages, which always scares the crap out of me and I’m not open to it. Most people don’t worry if their new home has a spirit roaming around, but I do based on my past experiences. I was angry that I found this out right before I was to about to live alone for a year and I wanted to throw the book out of the window. However, it was too late and off I was to ghost central Bhutan.

So there I was in the heartland of Bhutan ready to be brave and face some Bhutanese ghosts. I knew that I shouldn't get comfortable in my principals alter room because I might never want to leave. I reminded myself of the power of prayer and that I could pray for protection or try to pray them away, if I felt like there were any ghosts trying to hang out with me. I wasn’t surprised that I attracted myself to the most spiritual place in Bhutan, but how do I always get the ghosts? Seriously, does anybody know why?

[Click here to read full article]

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