Monday, November 5, 2012

Brunei Mentiri Complex Haunted

The Mentiri Complex is one of the most haunted places in Brunei. It was rumored that the place is cursed and every year many strange incidents happened there such as possession or fatal accidents.

Another place is the Tasik. It is such a popular haunted area that people will visit there at night to experience the spooking especially at the area near those Japanese graves somewhere there. Anyway a while back when it was that Chinese ancestral ghost week thing ( can’t remember the name) one of my mates from Perth came over and so we thought we’d watch a marathon of Pontianak movies.

About midnight we ended up at Tasik Lana. We walked through the main gate the street lamps shut off one after the other, from the gate up into the park. We looked back but decided to keep going. We got to the entrance to the jungle tracks an realized we forgot the torches, too lazy to walk back again we thought we’d just feel our way. By the time we got up to the ridge on the far side of the loop we were covered in mud. We decided to sit there for a while. Just then from the tree behind us came a SHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! screeching noise an we freaked out and both fell over the screeching shot over us and down the ridge through the trees CRRR…CRRRR…CRRR and into the distance like them flying ghost in those movies.

[Click here to read full article]

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