Monday, November 19, 2012

Ghost of Old Man

It was October, 1999, and I was studying in 8th standard, and I was by far the most logical and so-called scientific boy in the community. This incident happened in Bhadrapur, Nepal. I loved doing experiments and only believed in things which I experienced. But this October I was forced to believe that things exist even when not understood.

It was the time of Dussera festivals in Nepal when everyone at home was busy. Mom was cooking food for every one of us, including helpers at shop because of the long duties they had at shop. My sister was helping my mom and we had a good business of ready-made clothes. And I, for the time being, was more interested in reading comics sitting in the kitchen.

Then it suddenly appeared to me that some one walked away in front of my eyes. I didn't bother much as it was usual for helpers to come and take the stock from our godown near kitchen to shop. After almost five minutes passed, I was still reading and was thinking that particular person who went to fetch the stock is not returning. Why was he taking so much of time? Usually it was only two to three minutes and the person would return. But it was now clocking almost 10 minutes, and there was no sign of person returning.

[Click here to read full article]

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